Apprentices in Benin

Linking Education and Labour Markets: Under what conditions can Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) improve the income of the youth?


This project aims to understand how policy makers in low-​ and middle-​income countries can improve the youth labour-​market situation by strengthening social institutions and their interdependence with formal, non-​formal and informal TVET. This represents a crucial dimension of the TVET system, as these social institutions govern the involved actors, their roles, and their relationships with each other. Hence, this project aims to analyse the conditions under which TVET improves gainful employment and job quality and thereby improves the income of youth.

Check out the website of the project

Financing: This project is financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) under their joint "Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development" (r4d programme).

Project Overview - Video Clip

Master Class TVET Management, Kathmandu University Nepal
Master Class TVET Management, Kathmandu University Nepal
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