About the CES Youth Labor Market Index (YLMI)

The CES Youth Labour Market Index (CES YLMI) is a multidimensional composite index that enables comparison of young people’s labour market situation across countries and over time. The index consists of twelve indicators grouped into four dimensions. In contrast a single-indicator approach using something like the unemployment rate, the CES YLMI accounts for multiple aspects of employment. Specifically, the CES YLMI captures the participation of youth in the labour market (dimension: Activity State), job quality for employed youth (dimension: Working Conditions), education situation of youth (Education) and transition from education into the labor market (dimension: Transition Smoothness). Index scores range on a scale from one to seven, where higher scores indicate more favorable youth labor market situations.
Data used for the calculation of the CES YLMI is restricted to youth aged 15-24 for all but two indicators. This age interval is typically used by the international organizations providing the raw data for the CES YLMI, ensuring a broad data foundation. The CES YLMI is available from 1991-2020 for 181 countries around the globe. Data availability is best for the set of developed countries. The raw data for calculating the CES YLMI is taken directly from the statistical offices’ servers via application programming interfaces (APIs). This makes updating of raw data faster and less time consuming.
The CES YLMI is hosted by the CES Chair of Education Systems, which is dedicated to the improvement of education and training systems worldwide.
CES YLMI web tool for comparing youth labor market situations across countries and over time

The interactive CES YLMI web tool is designed for data analysis, visualization, and data access. It allows users to interact with the CES YLMI, compare index values across countries and time, and download the data in various file formats.
Click here for the interactive webtool.
Related index for developing countries
The Labor Market Index for Lower-Income Countries (YLILI)
(external page https://nadel.shinyapps.io/ylili/) complements the CES YLMI in that it is specifically tailored to measure youth labor market conditions in developing countries, especially those with larger informal labor markets.
This project was funded from 2014-2017 by the Gebert Rüf Stiftung external page (https://www.grstiftung.ch/en.html). We thank Mesut Ceylan for his great support in creating the new web tool and Matthias Bannert for his support in implementing the new web tool for the CES YLMI.
Further Literature
A detailed description of the index and its extended data coverage—including in-depth analyses—can be found in the following reports:
Technical Report to the CES YLMI
- Kemper, J. (2022). CES Youth Labor Market Index. Technical Report. (No. 25). CES Studies. DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000527413
CES Studies
- Zubovic, A., Caves, K., & Kemper, J. (2022). Youth Labor Market during Covid-19. First Release of the CES Youth Labor Market Index. (No. 26). CES Studies. DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000527419
Guide to the KOF YLMI
- Renold, U., Bolli, T., Egg, M. E., & Pusterla, F. (2014). On the multiple dimensions of youth labour markets: A guide to the KOF youth labour market index (No. 51). KOF Studien. DOI: 10.3929/ethz-a-010699115
KOF Studies
- Pusterla, F., & Oswald-Egg, M. E. (2019). Heterogeneity in Education and Training. Sixth Release of the KOF Youth Labour Market Index. (No. 143). KOF Studies. DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000381615
- Pusterla, F., Oswald-Egg, M., Bolli, T., & Renold, U. Renold, U. (2018). Disentangling Skills Mismatch: Fifth Release of the KOF Youth Labour Market Index. (No. 123). KOF Studien. DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000309086
- Pusterla, F. (2017). How active are youth? The interplay between education, youth unemployment, and inactivity. Fourth release of the KOF Youth Labour Market Index (No. 97). KOF Studien. DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000196905
- Pusterla, F. (2016). The Great Recession and the Working Conditions of Youth: A Descriptive Analysis of the European Labour Market. Third Release of the KOF Youth Labour Market Index (No. 83). KOF Studien. DOI: 10.3929/ethz-a-010736346
- Pusterla, F. (2015). How did the youth labour market situation evolve between 2012 and 2013? Second release of the KOF youth labour market index (No. 67). KOF Studien. DOI: 10.3929/ethz-a-010711418