Initial VET in fashion design
Initial VET in fashion design
The information event summarises the results of several studies. These combine qualitative and quantitative methods to better understand career development and the potential of acquired competences after completion of a VET programme in fashion design. In addition to the relevant curricula, the SERI career development database, structured surveys of alumni, longitudinal analyses in the field of education (LABB) by the FSO and semi-structured interviews with experts are used. The results show that the Initial VET in fashion design provides a good basis for starting and continuing the career.
Verbleibstudie und Kompetenzanalyse Berufsbildung Bekleidungsgestaltung. Bericht zur Analyse der Arbeitsmarktsituation und Zusammenfassung der Forschungsergebnisse
(in German)
Berufliche Grundbildung Bekleidungsgestaltung
Informationsbroschüre (in German)
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(in German)