CES Team Visits Nepal to Boost TVET Federalization Collaboration

Focusing on collaborative governance, the visit to Nepal aimed to discuss the federalization of the TVET system.

Group Image of Ursula Renold witha delegation from the swiss embassy and nepal minister of education
Prof. Dr. Ursula Renold, Ambassador Danielle Meuwly, Minister Bidya Bhattarai  

During a recent visit to Nepal, Prof. Ursula Renold and a delegation from the Swiss Embassy met with the Honorable Minister Bidya Bhattarai, Minister of Education Science and Technology of Nepal. Minister Bhattarai announced that the long-awaited TVET Act was almost ready to be discussed in Parliament and become law.

Prof. Renold and her team also participated in insightful exchanges about Nepal’s TVET federalization process with provincial officials. The team was hosted by the Minister of Social Development of Gandaki province and his team, and later participated in the first Inter-Provincial workshop organized by the QualiTY project. Prof. Renold underscored the need for multi-level government collaboration and the importance that provinces grasp their new role in the governance of TVET in accordance to the new federal acts.

Dr. Borja Pérez-Viana also shared with school administrators the preliminary results of the second survey on the TVET school system in Nepal, which provides a detailed assessment of the state of schools and examines their awareness of the accreditation process which is expected to start soon.

Additionally, the team was invited to a high-level meeting on the creation of the new "TVET Industry Council" among leading employers, their associations and high-ranking officials, chaired by the Honorable Ammar Bahadur Thapa, Parliamentary Chairperson of the Education committee. The positive feedback on the proposed concept was very impressive, and the establishment of this body comes at a crucial time, not only giving TVET new momentum but also promising to make the economy more productive through the proven dual TVET approach.  

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