Baseline Report
State of the schools at the beginning of the QualiTY project

Nepal’s TVET system is undergoing a transformation as a part of the federalisation of the country’s governance. In this context, a number of reforms targeted at improving youth outcomes and increasing the attractiveness of TVET pathways are underway. The QualiTY project is one of these initiatives; it seeks to achieve the goals of the reform through targeted interventions in TVET schools and colleges, with TVET principals and instructors, and through capacity-building of TVET leaders.
The ceSoed consortium—comprised of the Chair of Education Systems at ETH and the School of Education at Kathmandu University—collects data from schools and other stakeholders to ascertain the impact of project activities. In this report, we present key findings of the baseline survey carried out in the second half of 2023. This survey was developed to understand the state of the TVET system in Nepal at the beginning of the project intervention.