How is the construction management PET quality?
Initial assessments of students and their employers on the transformation of professional education and training in construction management

On behalf of the Swiss Construction Sector Association, we at the Chair of Education Systems at ETH Zurich are investigating the transformation of professional education and training (PET) in construction management from a diploma at a College of Higher Education to an Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education. In order to recognise potential obstacles at an early stage, we regularly conduct surveys among the stakeholders involved. This report is based on online surveys with students and their employers as well as data from the Federal Statistical Office. Our results show differences between the previous and the current PET students. Current PET students more frequently have relevant initial vocational education and training in the main construction industry, e.g. as a road builder, while draughtsmen/women are less frequently represented. Overall, the current PET students are moderately satisfied with the new construction management PET programme, with the time commitment and high costs being the main reasons for this. Employers rate the new construction management PET programme positively, but are often insufficiently informed. A fifth of employers only became aware of the switch to the new construction management PET programme as a result of the survey. Most current PET students are expected to fulfil the admission criteria for the first examination in 2026. For professions such as construction foremen/women and bricklayers, however, it could be difficult to gain the necessary work experience in time and acquire the skills required to pass the exam.
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Report in german language