3 years ApprenticeshipPulse

Anniversary webinar now online

The Chair of Educational Systems at ETH Zurich, in collaboration with the apprenticeship platform Yousty, has now been surveying what has been happening in Switzerland's apprenticeship companies for over three years since the COVID 19 pandemic began in April 2020.

To mark this three-year anniversary, we would like to invite you to our anniversary webinar on April 13, 2023, 10:30 to 11:30 am. In this webinar, we will present our quintessence from three years of LehrstellenPuls and discuss it with the participants.Central topics are the development of the apprenticeship market and how the situation of young people entering the labor market has changed during the last three years. In addition, we discuss the results of other current topics such as the psychological stress of young people during their apprenticeship, home office or apprenticeship contract terminations.

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